Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers...

Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers…

What a lovely April it has been! I have been working a whole lot lately, averaging about 40-45 hours a week, so, needless to say, I have been “feeling the burn”, but enjoying it. I did, however, feel the pang of home sickness this past month. I was very sad to have missed many celebrations that went on with out me in Phoenix. My grandfather, sister, and fathers’ birthday and Aunt and Uncle’s anniversary are clustered within this month and I was very sad to have missed their celebrations, along with Easter to boot! I had a lot of home sickness, but I know I will be home in August, and kept my chin up…

The weather is beautiful here but we get some crazy thunderstorms here! Plus, one thing I am not used to is cloudy days, which we have about 2 a week here. I miss sunshine! Today, however, is a lovely day and I went outside and sat by the pool and soaked up an hour or so of sun as I studied for my finals…

My last class for Guest service is next week! I can’t believe it! I have enjoyed this class immensely and will miss it. This week we visited Animal Kingdom Lodge and got a tour of the facility and got see a Villa overlooking the Sahara and the Villa sleeps 14 people! it was amazing! Below are some pictures:

I also got a chance to go to Cocoa Beach with my oldest pals, the Montegna’s. I love that Erica lives here and that the rest of the family has been visiting. It is so good to see everyone! I also love Erica’s 2 ½ year old daughter, Sophia, she is my new best friend! I always bring her Pez when I see her and I am now the “pez lady”…. hahahaha! Could be worse!

Below are some pictures:

This blog is a short one, I know, I just wanted to update more frequently, and keep my blogs shorter and sweeter, so this is my new approach!

I have a lot more to cover in my next blog. I am planning on seeing The Mary Poppins Musical. Mary Poppins is my favorite Disney character and the one I identify with most! Aarons’ awesome sister, Robin, even got me a hat that says, “Practically Perfect”, which is Mary Poppins motto! So, hopefully I can snag tickets. I am also planning on seeing Disney’s Oceans, a new film. Click on the link below to receive information, it seems amazing! I will give my review in my next blog!

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