Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Now It's Time to Say Good Bye....

Now It’s Time To Say Good-Bye…
To all of you who do not know the “NEWS”….. I made a decision to leave my program at Disney about two months early. Nothing “terrible” happened, and I did not get fired or anything horrific. I have already received my credits for this internship from my University and the rest of my three remaining months here were all uncredited time for me. I decided to come home and look for a job (I have some irons in the fire right now) and get everything sorted out before August. I figured in August, the job market won’t be as good (too close to beginning of season), and I will only have a week in between coming home and starting school to get settled, move, and find a job. I love it here at Disney but I feel as though my time here has come to an end. There were no more Disney classes open pertaining to my major (all the rest were entertainment classes), I tried to do the volunteer work I really wanted to do two nights a week, but I always worked on those nights, and I applied twice for job shadowing but got denied because of schedule conflicts (all of these things are normal because of the busy summer season. Most interns will work over 45 hours a week during the summer and have only one day off, so trying to schedule extra curriculars is often difficult). Sometimes, when life keeps handing you lemons, you have to make lemonade. So, I am taking my lemons back to Phoenix and making some delicious lemonade!

I am leaving in a week, and will be home on June 2nd. Don’t worry, I am still in good standing with Disney and can put them on my resume. I am eager to come home, see all of you, and have an amazing summer! I have really enjoyed blogging, so I am going to create a regular blog now just to keep people I rarely see updated on current happenings. Thank you all who read this blog and were interested! I will leave you with a few things I have learned here at Disney, and again, remember, “No matter how your heart is dreaming, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true!”…

Top Things I Have Learned in Disney World:
How to point with 2 fingers, not one
You can make up a code word about ANYTHING… (ex. wishing well=bathroom, the dungeon = the tunnels going to tea= taking your lunch break)
A lot can be accomplished with a smile…
Your customer (or in Disney terms, your guest) is your boss. Your goal is to make them happy and please them
People LOVE name tags. Hate to sound like a Seinfeld episode, but I think if we all wore name tags, the world WOULD be a MUCH friendlier place!
How truly and very important it is to go above and beyond!

Obviously, you all know I learned much more than that (hello, you have been reading my blogs for the past few months), but those are my few. Thanks to all of you again, and please keep an eye out for my new blog, I will send it when I complete jazzing it up!

Now it’s time to say goodn bye to all our company…
M-I-C (see ya real soon!)
K-E-Y (why, because we like you)
Fairy Godmother Pietrina

Here is a picture of me and my Fairy God Mother Friends! (can you find me???)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers...

Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers…

What a lovely April it has been! I have been working a whole lot lately, averaging about 40-45 hours a week, so, needless to say, I have been “feeling the burn”, but enjoying it. I did, however, feel the pang of home sickness this past month. I was very sad to have missed many celebrations that went on with out me in Phoenix. My grandfather, sister, and fathers’ birthday and Aunt and Uncle’s anniversary are clustered within this month and I was very sad to have missed their celebrations, along with Easter to boot! I had a lot of home sickness, but I know I will be home in August, and kept my chin up…

The weather is beautiful here but we get some crazy thunderstorms here! Plus, one thing I am not used to is cloudy days, which we have about 2 a week here. I miss sunshine! Today, however, is a lovely day and I went outside and sat by the pool and soaked up an hour or so of sun as I studied for my finals…

My last class for Guest service is next week! I can’t believe it! I have enjoyed this class immensely and will miss it. This week we visited Animal Kingdom Lodge and got a tour of the facility and got see a Villa overlooking the Sahara and the Villa sleeps 14 people! it was amazing! Below are some pictures:

I also got a chance to go to Cocoa Beach with my oldest pals, the Montegna’s. I love that Erica lives here and that the rest of the family has been visiting. It is so good to see everyone! I also love Erica’s 2 ½ year old daughter, Sophia, she is my new best friend! I always bring her Pez when I see her and I am now the “pez lady”…. hahahaha! Could be worse!

Below are some pictures:

This blog is a short one, I know, I just wanted to update more frequently, and keep my blogs shorter and sweeter, so this is my new approach!

I have a lot more to cover in my next blog. I am planning on seeing The Mary Poppins Musical. Mary Poppins is my favorite Disney character and the one I identify with most! Aarons’ awesome sister, Robin, even got me a hat that says, “Practically Perfect”, which is Mary Poppins motto! So, hopefully I can snag tickets. I am also planning on seeing Disney’s Oceans, a new film. Click on the link below to receive information, it seems amazing! I will give my review in my next blog!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a MAD MAD MARCH!!!!

It has been a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD MARCH! So much has happened this past month that it is hard to find a place to start it all!

I have had so many visitors this month. My dear friends Shannon and Kristen surprised me the last weekend in February and came out for a long weekend! We had so much fun! It was a rainy weekend, but as any Disney pro knows, the rainier the weather, the shorter the lines! So, we basically busted through all 4 parks the whole weekend! It was great!

The last few weeks have been spring break, which is the busiest time in Disneyworld. I had quite a few visitors the past few weeks. Aaron came in with his co worker Lisa and her two daughters (who felt like cousins after they left, we had so much fun!); and Aaron’s awesome sister and her amazingly awesome friend Lori came in with her two adorable-beyond-belief daughters Charlotte and Molly. I absolutely LOVED spending time with them! Charlotte is such a smart and sassy 7 year old and Molly is the sweetest brightest 3 year old. They are such amazing girls. We had so much fun riding Toy Story Mania and Charlotte even got me playing in the play ground and going through the slides! (talk about feeling like a watermelon sliding through a straw!). Now, everyone knows I always have a cute kid quote, well this one comes from Miss Molly herself! We were having breakfast with the characters at The Grand Floridian and Molly was coloring. I asked her what her favorite color was, and she said “gray”. I said, “Wow, that is different! I have never heard a kid say gray! Why is that your favorite color?” and she says to me, “Because my Daddy’s hair is gray!”. I though that was the sweetest most heart melting thing I have heard in a long time!

One thing that began in late February was my Disney Guest Service class. My teacher, a former Guest Service Manager, teaches us all about using our Disney basics and a few schematics and “pixie dust” to solve guest related issues. Each week we have a guest speaker from different areas of Disney World come in and present us with a seminar on guest service. A few weeks ago, the Guest Service team at Hollywood Studios came and presented us with a power point presentation all about using our basics to go the extra mile. To explain the “Disney Service Basics”, I will have you look below and read them. These were created about 5 years ago to streamline service standards but also make Disney service exceptional above any other.

Cast member guidelines: "The Disney Service Basics"
"I project a positive image and energy."
Look approachable
Look happy and interested
Model the Disney Look
Keep conversations positive
"I am courteous and respectful to all guests, including children."
Make eye contact and smile
Engage in guest interaction
Treat guests as individuals
Greet and welcome each guest
Thank all guests and invite them back
"I stay in character and play the part."
Preserve and protect the magic
Provide excellent show quality and safety
Perform role efficiently by reducing hassles and inconveniences
"I go above and beyond."
Anticipate needs and offer assistance
Create surprises and Magical Moments
Provide immediate service recovery
What I love about this list is that it's collapsible; you can look at just the four headlines, but you can also identify key behaviors for each. I personally like "look happy and interested." There's much that could be said about the need for that particular behavior.
Also note that each of these areas begin with the word "I" in front of each statement—suggesting that each cast member should take ownership in doing these things.

As a cast member, it is our job to follow these service basics each day and use them as a guideline to solve problems and of course, to “make magic”.

A video was shown during the duration of that class that really had me have a whole new approach on customer service. Having worked in customer service during the duration of my “working” life (ages 16-present), it really opened my eyes to a new way of customer service. The video is called “Give Them The Pickle”. I encourage you to watch this video if you work in the customer service profession or know anyone who does. It really teaches you a lot about the value of customer relations and who really is the “boss”… the customer!!!

The video is about Bob Farrell, or Farrell's Ice Cream Parlours, which they opened in Portland, Oregon, on September 13, 1963. In 1968, with six stores, Farrell decided to franchise his concept. He appeared on the Merv Griffin Show, received the Horatio Alger Award from Norman Vincent Peale, and built the World's Largest Sundae for the Guinness Book of World Records.
In 1973, Farrell sold his 55 store chain of ice cream parlors to the Marriott Corporation, but remained as its spokesperson and developed a speech for new employees called Give 'em the Pickle!, based on a letter he received from a disappointed customer.
Since 1973, Farrell has been involved with the launch of several very successful restaurant chains. In 2002, he put his Pickle speech to video, followed by The Leadership Pickles!
Below is the link. See for yourself!

The full video and books are available for purchase on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Giveem-Pickle-Bob-Farrell/dp/1880692333/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270702445&sr=8-1

So many exciting things coming up, too! I will be taking 2 more classes this summer and looking forward to that, plus more family and friends coming out in the months to come. I got a lot of positive response from the story I told about Princess Ashley last time, and this time I have a story about Queen Lisa. In the boutique, we call all girls Princesses, all dads Kings, all brothers Princes (or Pirates, if they are acting so) and all mom Queens. It had been very busy in the boutique during spring break and we have been running late and behind quite often, which leads to very unhappy Princesses and Queens. On a busy Easter Sunday, I was up front handling reservations and fielding complaints of long wait times. With over a 30 minute wait, Queen Lisa came in with her Princess (whose name escapes me). Queen Lisa came in with a hat covering her newly bald head, wearing a smile ear to ear, and a Disney celebration pin saying “I’m Celebrating LIFE!”. When I told Queen Lisa of our wait time, her smile did not budge, she looked at me and her Princess, and sat down and looked through the hairstyle choices with her Princess. It was like her and her daughter were in their own world. Finally, after 45 minutes, her Princess’ turn was finally up. I walked Queen Lisa and her Princess to their Fairy Godmother and again apologized for the long wait time. Again, her smile never budged and she thanked me and they enjoyed their make over. Later, my friend, their Fairy Godmother, told me that Queen Lisa had just finished round one of chemotherapy. They had planned this trip a year ago, and nothing was going to stop her and her family from enjoying the time they had on this earth together. Even though I had just heard her story, it all made sense that a 45 minute wait to every other Queen and Princess was wasting time for other things to do, while Queen Lisa looked at that 45 minute wait as 45 minutes of precious time to be with her daughter, enjoying the time she had on this earth, and of course, celebrating life.

A few Disney things to check out….
This is a documentary that will be out within the next week about the Disney Animation Renaissance in the late 80’-90’s. “By the mid-1980s, the fabled animation studios of Walt Disney had fallen on hard times. The artists were polarized between newcomers hungry to innovate and old timers not yet ready to relinquish control. These conditions produced a series of box-office flops and pessimistic forecasts: maybe the best days of animation were over. Maybe the public didn't care. Only a miracle or a magic spell could produce a happy ending. Waking Sleeping Beauty is no fairy tale. It's the true story of how Disney regained its magic with a staggering output of hits - "Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast ," "Aladdin," "The Lion King," and more - over a 10-year period.


A new Disney Princess, could it be true? IT IS!!!!! A re-adaptation of Rapunzel called “Tangled”, starring the voice of Many Moore. Wiki also has some cool insight about the animation style of this upcoming film, too.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fantabulous February!

Hello to All!
Greetings from Disneyworld! First, I would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes! After three weeks here, life feels a bit more normal. I feel like I am in more of a routine, and I am beginning to wake up naturally at 5:30 am.... impatiently waiting for a bus.
I am absolutely loving working at Disneyworld. The little girls are sooooo cute! They get so excited when we "reveal" their make overs. This little girl came in a few days ago, named Ashley. Her mom and dad adopted her from China when she was 2, and now she is 7. They live about an hour or two outside of Orlando and woke her up at 7 am and surprised her and told her that she was coming to Disneyworld and coming to the boutique. She got the works, or as we call it, the castle package; a make over, princess dress with matching shoes, wand and crown, the makeup, nails and hair, and a photo package. While I was "transforming" her (doing her hair and make up), the mom was telling me how they wanted children so badly, and how they tried but knew of couples that adopted, so they decided to go to China and just see. They came back and began filling out paperwork, and a month later, were told that they could get a child, but to speed up the process, get someone older, not just a new born baby. They said they didn't care if the girl was 7 months or 7 years old, they just wanted a child. So, they went back and came home with Ashely. They also told me that after Ashley was finished, they were surprising her by taking her to Cinderella's Royal table to have dinner with Cinderella! When the little girls are almost done with their make over, we wave a magic wand over their heads and have them make a wish as it sprinkles glitter, or "pixie dust" over their heads. When I asked Princess Ashley to do so, she closed her eyes so tightly and says, "I don't have to make a wish, all my wishes have come true!". No lie, me, mom and dad were all balling! I had to find a box of tissues!!!
I had a wonderful birthday. My roommates met me in Magic Kingdom and we watched the fire works, and they made me cupcakes! Then we saw "Valentine's Day" and then went out for drinks.... well, my sneaky roomies tag teamed with my sneaky boyfriend and he surprised me at House of Blues! I thought he was coming in the following day, but he came in a night earlier! It was a great weekend, and even though I have a wicked cold (the kids are cute, but sometimes, they sneeze on you, hence.... cold).
Everything is going very well. Last week, my roomies and I hit up the parks and (kinda, it was far away) saw a concert in Epcot for Camp Rock 2!!! Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato! (for those of you who are mature adults unlike myself, click here for more info http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsHjsyUwRJI). I was in 7th Heaven!
Good news: Being the squeaky wheel that always gets her oil, I got a new mattress! Still uncomfortable, but not noisy. So, an upside.
And, I have some new Disney Insiders:
* During the "Year of a Million Dreams", there was a contest where someone could win a nights' stay in Cinderella's Room, a room high in the castle. Ever since, celebrities like Tom Cruise and Faith Hill and so on have tried to stay there... well, word in the kingdom is the people who won the contest and stayed there stole so much crap, Disney shut it down until "indefinetly".
* If you are submerged in the water on the ride "Pirates of the Carribean" for more than 5 minutes, you will have to get a tetnis shot. When the boats get stuck, the attarctions cast members have to wear rubber suits. So yeah, don't drink the water. Speaking of Pirates, here is a wiki link to news about the upcoming film. Gonna be awesome! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_the_Caribbean:_On_Stranger_Tides#On_Stranger_Tides
Have a great week and stay warm to those in chillier kingdoms!!! Love you all and miss you all!!!
Fairy Godmother Pietrina

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

When You Wish Upon A Star...

Life has been a whirl wind to say the least, in the past few weeks, but I am happy to say I am starting to feel a bit more settled; my room is unpacked, I am starting to remember my room mates first and last names, and, I know where the nearest Wal mart is.... thats all I need, right????

Aaron and I left for Florida what feels like a century ago, but it was only Jan. 20th! We arrived in Flordia, and took the "magical express" to Disney! We arrived at the Pop Century resort and stayed there til the following Friday, then boarded the ship on a Royal Carribean cruise. We stopped in Nassau on Saturday, and RC's private island, Coco Key, on Sunday. The weather wasn't playing in our favor at either location, so we just laid by the beach and soaked out whatever sun we could that was peaking out of the clouds. The shopping in Naussau was pretty good, so Aaron and I got our standards; booze, make up, and cigars. We got back to dry land (even though it was really rainy, so I guess it wasn't very "dry") on Monday and hit the parks right away again. Because of the slow season, we pretty much rode every attraction Disney had to offer just in about 3 and a 1/2 days, so we felt very satisfied. On Wednesday the 27th was my very first day. I arrived at 9am and stood in line... I got fingerprinted, got the key to my apartment, met my roommates (one nicer than the next) and got as "settled" as I could. Let's just say me+1 twin bed+1 bathroom for 4 people= not what i'm used to. The day after that, I took a famous Disney class called "Traditions". This class is required for all Disney cast members and goes over the history and philosophies of the company. Never in my life did I have training that was so much fun! Even Mickey came and gave us our name tags! The next day was more "specialized" training and I took a tour of the Magic Kingdom. So, of course, one of the benefits of all of you reading this blog is that you can find out inside Disney information, right? RIGHT!!! So, wanna know a secret? Disneyworld is closing Toon Town and extending Fantasy Land! Every single Princess will now have her own Mini- castle, or "cottage". Ariel will have a sand castle, Aurora will have her cottage she shared with the 3 good fairies, Snow White will have the cottage that she shared with the 7 dwarves, Jasmine will have the sultans palace, and Belle will have the Beasts' castle! Ariel (my favorite) will also have a water ride!! AAAAAHHHH!!!! Plus: Dumbo will soon feature a big top tent with a madrigal circus theme!!! They begin to break ground in about a month, so who knows when anything will be open or done, but it sounds soooooo exciting!

Today was my first day on the job training. I picked up a costume in a building the size of a Wal Mart! (pictures soon to follow) and began training. I was in bliss! You never realize how bad you missed something until you are reminded of it!! I forgot how much I missed seeing little girls' faces light up when they tried on a Princess dress, or got pixie dust in their hair! I was in near tears each moment! Downfall: I guess there is a problem with the inventory coming in from over seas, so the boutique is short over half of what they need! So, there were many unhappy little princesses who couldn't be their favorite princess because we didn't have their size in stock. So, needless to say, it's nice working for a HUGE company, cause they definetly had to comp a lot of stuff!

Tomorrow is my second day of training, and I am psyched. Tired, but psyched. The mattresses here in my room are probably 1,000 years old, so I've had a quite a sleepless few nights.

I hope all is well with everyone and I miss you all! I will try to keep you all in the loop with new, exciting things!

lots of love,

Fairy Godmother Pietrina

"All it takes is faith, trust, and some pixie dust!"- Peter Pan